We feel the quick pace of technological development in every aspect of our life. The entertainment industry has always been the most influenced by innovations. The invention of 5D cinemas allowed us to plunge into the world of virtual reality. This technology is a perfect combination of 3D images and effects produced by the special equipment upon the human perceptive organs. You become totally involved in what is happening on the screen and feel movements, rays of sun, wind blowing, and humid air of the ocean breeze.
Many experts called the 5D technology a breakthrough in modern cinematography. It differs drastically from all previous inventions. The success of such films gives every reason to believe that all entertaining movies will soon be screened in 5D.
Already now the 5D cinema audience has an opportunity to watch a series of films of the brand new beneficial format. Exciting, dynamic plot, unusual visual and stunning special effects combined with new technologies, provide a lot of new experiences while watching. Thanks to these technologies a movie ceased to be a static event, now it’s an amusement ride of the future – a combination of a room of horror, roller coaster, big wheel and bungee trampoline. The most appropriate comparison you will find yourself after watching a movie in our cinemas.